
devices for

food and


Our main expertises are the measures of : Texture & firmness, color, weight, size and ph. We also realize

peristaltic pumps.

Our instruments and machines are designed and assembled in France

Our activity is present on the world market for more than 30 years

Our devices are constantly evolving, we always integrate the latest technologies thanks to a modular design. We are

experts in 3D printing, and have formulated a specific resin based on ceramic microparticles. This gives our instruments a

geometric stability in all environments

We also produce in-house electronic boards, and program microcontrollers and interfaces for Windows and Android

We sincerely thank our customers for recognizing our expertise in over 70 countries.

All the world's largest blueberry and tomato companies trust us. Our instruments also contribute to research and training

in the most prestigious universities

Nevertheless, our market remains small, and as such, you will understand that it does not allow us to employ a large


We have long-standing partners around the world, with units capable of repairing and calibrating our instruments in South

Africa, India, Peru and Mexico

© Made by Agrosta 2024 lak@agrosta.org




Roxanne Smart Colorimeter
Belle2 Texture Analyzer
100 Field Durofel tester
Tomato, cherry and blueberry firmness tester
Winterwood turntable machine for blueberry and cherry
Esther bluetooth penetrometer
Copains bluetooth soil penetrometer
Wonderful turntable machine for all fruits
FruitLab fruit texture analyzer with automatic scale
Fruit texture analyser by agrosta
Analog texture analyzer
Needle firmness tester for cauliflower, lettuce, cheese and ham
Medista 5000 for alive animals, medicine, meat
100 Blue Durofel tester
Peristaltic pump with temperature regulation
Fruit & veg texture analyzer Rose
Kingfisher firmness tester for citrus and avocado
Bluetooth statistic pH meter

Thanks to our client, the public czech research center of Holovousy for using

Agrosta Winterwood version 2019 in its corporate video :

PH meter agrosta
Statistic weight recorder

© Made by Agrosta 2024 lak@agrosta.org

Roxanne Smart Colorimeter
Belle Texture Analyzer
100 Field Durofel tester
Tomato, cherry and blueberry firmness tester
Medista 5000 for alive animals, medicine, meat
Winterwood turntable machine for blueberry and cherry
Esther bluetooth penetrometer
Copains bluetooth soil penetrometer
Wonderful turntable machine for all fruits
FruitLab fruit texture analyzer with automatic scale
Fruit texture analyser by agrosta
Analog texture analyzer
Needle firmness tester for cauliflower, lettuce, cheese and ham
100 Blue Durofel tester
Peristaltic pump with temperature regulation
Fruit & veg texture analyzer Rose
Agrosta Belle 2 texture analyzer
Kingfisher firmness tester for citrus and avocado
Bluetooth statistic pH meter
PH meter agrosta
Statistic weight recorder