© Made by Agrosta 2024 lak@agrosta.org


Texture analyzis of any kind of

fruit or vegetable, can be used

as penetrometer or deflection

measurement machine

Autonomous machine with

touchscreen and bluetooth




Agrosta®Rose is a fruit texture analyzer that can work either as a

penetrometer (Crisp fruits & veg) or as fruit deflection meter (Soft

fruits & veg)

Designed in 2023, our Rose is an essential tool for all post-harvest laboratories in the fruit and vegetable sector. It is so versatile that it can be used for quite any type of fruit or vegetable. We had very good success on non-destructive testing of avocados on an industrial scale. Non destructive testing can be performed on many soft fruits like cherries, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, citrus, oranges, pomelos Penetrometry can be used on apples, pears, kiwis, onions carrots and many more.. Rose stores up to 50 batches in its memory. It can also send the data via bluetooth to an android phone or tablet, or to a computer under windows With our innovative spring system, you don’t need to maintain the fruit in hand during measurement, it is automatically maintained on the table
Parameters page on touchscreen
Result page on touchscreen
Data page on touchscreen
Android app and software for windows (Comes with a light version of Excel)
App for android agrosta rose agrosta rose fruit texture analyzer

Version 2024

Comes now with a mini

load cell : more accurate

and increased stroke

And a body in PLA and

micro carbon fibers

Installing the optional

Durofel module

Raspberry firmness testing using Agrosta Rose (Video realised for a

canadian university)

© Made by Agrosta 2024 lak@agrosta.org


Texture analyzis of any kind of fruit or

vegetable, can be used as penetrometer or

deflection measurement machine

Autonomous machine with touchscreen and


Agrosta®Rose is a fruit texture analyzer that

can work either as a penetrometer (Crisp fruits

& veg) or as fruit deflection meter (Soft fruits

& veg)

Designed in 2022, our Rose is an essential tool

for all post-harvest laboratories in the fruit and

vegetable sector. It is so versatile that it can be

used for quite any type of fruit or vegetable.

We had very good success on non-destructive

testing of avocados on an industrial scale. Non

destructive testing can be performed on many

soft fruits like cherries, tomatoes, blueberries,

raspberries, blackberries, citrus, oranges,


Penetrometry can be used on apples, pears,

kiwis, onions carrots and many more..

Rose stores up to 50 batches in its memory. It

can also send the data via bluetooth to an

android phone or tablet, or to a computer

under windows

With our innovative spring system, you don’t

need to maintain the fruit in hand during

measurement, it is automatically maintained

on the table