Firmness + Size (Optional colorimeter) of fruits and
vegetables - automatic machine
Winterwood version : Cherry, blueberry, apricot, cranberry, plum, olive,
grape, Cherry tomato
AGROSTA®Winterwood is an automatic machine for testing a batch of fruits or vegetables. It provides color, size and
firmness, as well as statistics, exportable to Excel
This laboratory instrument is provided with :- The software for Windows, compatible with all Windows versions (Vista, XP, 7,8,8.1,10)- 2 different turntables according to the type of fruits you want to test (Additional turntables are available as options)- The sensor head is pre-equipped with the size of tip corresponding to the type of fruits you want to testAgrosta®Winterwood dedicated to soft fruits with smooth skin (Durofel sensor head) :- The turntables have 32 cups for blueberries (4 different models of turntables according to blueberry size : Small, Normal, Big, Big+ covering from 10mm to 37mm diameter) - Please note that the winterwood machine is the only device in the world measuring blueberry firmness with a good accuracy- 20 Cups for cherries (2 models : big and small), cranberries, grapes, olivesThe machine comes with high precision Stepper motors, making 800 steps for 1mm movement (Precision 0.1mm), A main board coming from Italy, a Spectrophotometer (Colorimeter) board with infrared filter made in the USAJust place carefully your fruits on the turntable, place the turntable on the machine, and start a cycle from your computer..All measurements are displayed in a chart that can be exported to Excel. Graphs are displayed, they can be exported as well
- The firmness
The firmness is determined by squeezing the fruit in the same manner a consumer would do with his fingers. It is determined through the durofel index with 2 different tips available (’10’ for apricot and tomato, ‘25’ for cherry and blueberry)The machine is provided with the tip according to the type of fruits you are going to test. Additional tips are available as option. the measurements are in Durofel index (from 0 to 100%) and grams per mm2. the Durofel unit is based on Shore A standard : It is the only reliable principle for measuring the firmness of fruits like blueberries or cherries
- The color measurement
VISIBLE RANGE :It is done as the fruit sequences through the machine on the turntable - The machine comes with a Spectrophotometer, which gives very intuitive measurement : The intensity of light reflected along the visible range, using 6 different wavelengths. Our color sensor comes from the Usa, and is a high quality device - We have added a small glass lens in order to facilitate fruit juice cleaning, and increase accuracy
- The size
The machine counts the number of steps the motor has to do in order to reach the fruit surface (400 steps for 1mm) - You have to parameter the initial size in the software, and Winterwood gives the fruit diameter at probe position. This is approximate, as it depends on the position of the fruit inside the cup of the turntable But it is very representative from a statistic point of vue
- Interchangeable trays
You just need a few seconds if you want to change the tray..
- New turntables : More rigidity, better color measurement- Our turntable machines come now with a BARCODE scanner, and the software adapted for BARCODE management, The price stays unchanged
AGROSTA®Winterwood is an automatic machine for testing a batch of fruits or
vegetables. It provides firmness (using a Durofel head, measurements 0 to 100%) and
size - An optional colorimeter is proposed (Placed under the turntable)
Agrosta Winterwood is dedicated to soft fruits (Like Tomatoes, Grapes, Plums..) and berries (Blueberry, Cherry, Apricot, Cranberry..)Those fruits can be tested using the “Firmtech” principle as well with our Wonderful machineBut there are many advantages at using the Durofel measurement principle for soft fruits and Berries :- The accuracy is far better : - The effect on measurement of irregularities on the surface of the fruit is very attenuated- Mechanical inaccuracies are also reduced by the use of the abutment used in Durofel measurement- Durofel is a proven principle based on Shore A standard (Shore norm is dedicated to soft materials, rubber and foams)- Some publications on Durofel principle :- STRAWBERRY (Resistance to bruising) : 2019 M. Herrington, J. Neal, M. Paynter & al.- BLUEBERRY : 2016 R. Silva1, J. Franco1,2 & A. Fonseca- CHERRY TOMATO : 2018 Manuel Díaz-Pérez, Ángel Carreño-Ortega & al.- TOMATO : 2012 Camps & al.- CHERRY : 1998 Clayton & al.- PEACHES : 2007 Lurol, Emery- APRICOTS : 2009 Camps, Christen- STRAWBERRY : 2000 Khanizadeh & al.- DUROFEL : 2005 Polenta & al.The size is provided in mm and can be calibrated by the userThe optional colorimeter provides a raw value for the following colors : Purple / Blue / Green / Yellow / Orange / Red. The maximum value is obtained for a pure white and the minimum for a pure black. for some fruits (like cherries), only one color (red) will provide very interesting data - In the case of cherry, the red value will decrease with maturityThe software for Windows, compatible with all Windows versions (Vista, XP, 7,8,8.1,10), comes with a light version of Excel (So the user does not need Office on his/her computer)The tables available :- 4 different tables for blueberries (Small / Normal / Big / Big+) with 32 cups (measurement of 32 fruits within 2minutes 40 seconds if no colorimeter)- 3 different tables for cherries (Small / Normal / Big) Big can be used for apricot or cherry tomato as well- 1 Table for grapes- 1 Table for peach / nectarineThe table can be changed within a few secondsThe machine comes with the cables, power plug according to your country, software for windows, set of tip protections, manual and certificate of conformity and the tables you have ordered